Blacklands Malt

It was established in 2012 and is now permanently closed.

They made malted grains for brewing.


Malting process


  1. Selection and Cleaning: Barley grains are carefully selected based on specific quality criteria such as size, weight, and moisture content. They are then cleaned to remove impurities, dirt, and foreign particles. This is important step.
  2. Steeping: The cleaned barley is soaked in water for a specific duration, typically around 2-3 days. This allows the grains to absorb moisture, rehydrate, and initiate the germination process. During steeping, the water is changed periodically to ensure proper hydration and prevent the growth of undesirable microorganisms that can make you sick.
  3. Germination: The soaked barley is spread out on a malting floor or in specialized germination vessels. Under controlled conditions of temperature, humidity, and airflow, the grains begin to germinate. During this stage, enzymes are activated, initiating biochemical changes within the grains.
  4. Modification and Enzyme Development: As germination progresses, the barley undergoes various changes. The rootlets and shoots emerge, and enzymes, particularly amylase and protease, develop within the grains. Amylase enzymes convert starches into fermentable sugars, while protease enzymes break down proteins into simpler forms.
  5. Kilning: To halt germination and preserve the desired enzyme activity, the germinated barley is transferred to a kiln for drying. The kilning process involves carefully controlled temperatures and airflow to remove moisture from the grains without overheating or damaging them. The duration and temperature of kilning can vary depending on the desired malt characteristics.
  6. Modification and Color Development: During kilning, the barley undergoes further modifications. The heat applied determines the color and flavor profile of the malt. Lower kilning temperatures result in lighter-colored malts, while higher temperatures produce darker, more flavorful malts.

Examples of Malting:

  • Pale Malt: Pale malt is lightly kilned, resulting in a pale color and a mild, sweet flavor. It is commonly used as a base malt in various beer styles.
  • Munich Malt: Munich malt is kilned at slightly higher temperatures, leading to a darker color and a rich, malty flavor. It is often used to enhance maltiness and add depth to beers.
  • Roasted Malt: Roasted malts, such as chocolate malt or black malt, undergo higher temperatures during kilning, resulting in dark colors and intense flavors like coffee, chocolate, or roasted nuts. They are used to add color, flavor, and complexity to stouts, porters, and other dark beers.

After malting, the grains, now known as malt, are milled and mashed to extract fermentable sugars. The sugars are then fermented by yeast to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide, ultimately resulting in the desired beverage.

I have been inspired to learn how to make by own beer. I am going to add some coffee and chocolate in small amounts to make a heavier drink. I have found that this really makes a mess and takes up space.


Q: Can malting turn water into beer?
A: Well, it’s not exactly a magical transformation, but malting is a crucial step in the brewing process that helps unlock the potential of grains to create the magic in your pint!


Q: How do maltsters stay calm during the kilning process?
A: They take a deep breath and say, “Keep calm and malt on!” It’s their motto for maintaining the perfect temperatures and avoiding any malt-mishaps.


Q: Can malting turn someone into a beer connoisseur?
A: Well, it can certainly lead them on a delicious journey of exploration and appreciation for different beer styles. Just remember to drink responsibly and enjoy the malt-y goodness in moderation!


On my visit I was immediately struck by the vibrant mural of hops and barley that adorned the exterior. This brewery was known for its artisanal craft beers, and I couldn't wait to dive into the experience.


As we stepped inside, the aroma of roasted malt and hops enveloped me, transporting me into a world of brewing magic. The tour guide, Jake, a passionate brewer with a thick beard and a contagious enthusiasm, greeted us. He shared that the brewery was founded in 2015 and had quickly gained a reputation for its innovative flavors and sustainable practices. I learned that they source their ingredients from local farms, which gave their beers a unique twist.


One of the most outrageous moments came when Jake revealed their flagship beer, the "California Dreamin’ IPA." It boasted a whopping 7.5% ABV and was brewed with a blend of Citra, Mosaic, and Simcoe hops. He described it as having notes of citrus and tropical fruit, and I could hardly wait to taste it. The brewery also had an impressive 15-barrel brewing system from the brand "BrewTech," which allowed them to experiment with small batches and unique flavors.


As we moved through the brewing area, I was fascinated by the giant stainless steel fermentation tanks. Each tank held around 450 gallons of beer! Jake shared a hilarious story about a time when an experimental batch of a chocolate stout went awry. Instead of the rich, velvety flavor they were aiming for, they accidentally created a beer that tasted like a chocolate-covered raisin explosion. They decided to name it "Raisin the Bar," and to their surprise, it became a hit among the locals!


After the tour, we gathered in the tasting room, which was designed with reclaimed wood and industrial accents. I sampled several beers, including a refreshing watermelon wheat and a bold bourbon barrel-aged stout. Each sip was a new adventure! I particularly enjoyed the "Hoppy Trails" pale ale, which had a crisp finish and a 5.6% ABV that made it perfect for a sunny California afternoon.


While enjoying my flight of beers, I struck up a conversation with a fellow tour-goer named Sarah. She shared her experiences of visiting breweries across the country and how Golden Barrel Brewery ranked among her favorites. "The ambiance, the flavors, and the stories behind the brews make it unforgettable," she said, raising her glass for a toast.


By the end of the day, I left the brewery not only with a new appreciation for craft beer but also with a growler of the California Dreamin’ IPA in hand.


Brewing process

  • Malting: It all starts with the malt, which undergoes a fancy germination and drying process. Think of it as the grains going to a spa, sprouting, and getting all “toasty” before they’re ready for the brewing party.
  • Mashing: The malted grains are crushed and mixed with hot water in a process called mashing. It’s like giving them a warm, cozy bath where they release their sugars, making the wort. So, basically, the grains become sweet and offer themselves up for fermentation.
  • Boiling and Hops: The wort is then boiled, which is like a bubbling cauldron of magic. This is where hops come into play. Hops are like the spice rack of beer brewing—they add bitterness, flavor, and aroma. It’s like giving your beer a personality with a little hoppy flair!
  • Fermentation: After the wort has cooled down, it’s time to introduce the yeast party. Yeast is the true MVP of brewing, converting those delicious sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide. It’s like the yeast saying, “Cheers! Let’s get this party started!”
  • Conditioning: Once the yeast has done its job, the beer needs a little rest and relaxation. Conditioning is when the beer matures, allowing flavors to develop and everything to come together. It’s like the beer taking a well-deserved vacation in its fermentation spa.
  • Filtration and Carbonation: The beer is then filtered to remove any sediment and unwanted particles. Afterward, it’s time to carbonate it. Carbonation is like adding those fizzy bubbles that make your beer dance on your tongue. It’s the sparkling personality your brew deserves.
  • Packaging: Finally, it’s time to bottle or keg your beer.


Other malted grain makers:

  1. Malteurop: Malteurop is a major global malting company with facilities in various countries, including France, Germany, the United States, Canada, and China. They specialize in producing malt for brewing, distilling, and food industries.
  2. Cargill Malt: Cargill is a multinational corporation involved in various industries, including agriculture. They have a significant presence in the malt industry, supplying malted grains to brewers, distillers, and food manufacturers worldwide.
  3. Simpsons Malt: Based in the United Kingdom, Simpsons Malt is a family-owned malting company with a long-standing tradition. They produce a wide range of malted grains, including barley, wheat, and rye, catering to the brewing, distilling, and food industries.
  4. Crisp Malting Group: Crisp Malting Group, also based in the UK, has been malting grains since the late 1800s. They offer a diverse selection of malted grains, including specialty and organic options, and supply to breweries and distilleries globally.
  5. Malteries Soufflet: Malteries Soufflet, part of the Soufflet Group, is a prominent player in the malt industry. With malting facilities across Europe, including France, the United Kingdom, and Germany, they supply malted grains to the brewing and distilling sectors.
  6. Thomas Fawcett & Sons: Established in 1809, Thomas Fawcett & Sons is a well-respected maltster based in the United Kingdom. They produce a variety of malted grains, maintaining traditional malting methods while adapting to modern brewing requirements.