Indoor Reality [Mapping]

Indoor Reality was an innovator for indoor mapping and made reality capture solutions come to life.

1. Precise Indoor Mapping and Reality Capture Solutions: Indoor Reality was at the forefront of capturing indoor spaces with remarkable precision and accuracy. Their cutting-edge technology combines state-of-the-art sensors, cameras, and specialized software to create highly detailed digital models of interior environments. It’s like bringing the physical world indoors and transforming it into a captivating digital realm.

2. Immersive 3D Visualization and Virtual Tours: Imagine stepping into a virtual world where you can explore and navigate through immersive 3D models of indoor spaces. Indoor Reality’s solutions allow users to visualize and experience environments remotely, making it feel as if they are physically present. With a friendly click or swipe, you can virtually walk through a property, examining every nook and cranny as if you were there in person. Amazing.

3. Real Estate and Property Management Advancements: Indoor Reality’s technology has numerous applications in the real estate and property management industries. It revolutionizes the way properties are showcased, making virtual property tours a reality. Prospective buyers and tenants can explore every corner of a property from the comfort of their homes, making informed decisions with confidence. Additionally, property managers benefit from detailed floor plans and virtual documentation, facilitating space planning, maintenance, and tenant engagement.

4. Seamless Indoor Navigation and Wayfinding: Getting around complex indoor spaces can be a challenge, but Indoor Reality’s solutions provide a helping hand. By leveraging their detailed indoor maps and models, users can develop intuitive indoor navigation and wayfinding applications. Whether you’re in a sprawling shopping mall, navigating a labyrinthine hospital, or finding your way through a bustling airport, Indoor Reality’s technology guides you with step-by-step directions. It’s like having a friendly virtual tour guide leading the way.

5. Valuable Data Analytics and Insights: Beyond stunning visuals, Indoor Reality’s software platform unlocks valuable data analytics and insights from the captured indoor data. By analyzing occupancy patterns, traffic flows, and space utilization, users can make data-driven decisions to optimize space, improve security measures, and allocate resources efficiently. It’s like peering into the inner workings of indoor environments and discovering hidden gems of information.

6. Seamless Integration and Collaborative Potential: Indoor Reality’s technology seamlessly integrates with various systems and platforms, amplifying its capabilities and collaborative potential. From facility management software to augmented reality applications and IoT solutions, the possibilities for innovation and synergy are vast. It’s like building a dynamic ecosystem where indoor mapping and reality capture become an integral part of existing workflows and processes, driving efficiency and creativity.


I like to work on indoor mapping because it presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Indoor mapping involves creating detailed maps of indoor spaces such as buildings, airports, and shopping centers. These maps can be used for a variety of purposes such as navigation, asset tracking, and emergency response. I have a drawing of all the desks in the office so we know how to arrange them. I also map out the office equipment like wifi router, printer, coffee machine, and lights.

One of the most interesting aspects of indoor mapping is the need for high precision and accuracy. Unlike outdoor maps, indoor maps require a much higher level of detail in order to be useful. This means that indoor mappers must use advanced technologies such as laser scanning and photogrammetry to create highly detailed 3D models of indoor spaces. Additionally, indoor mapping often requires a high degree of collaboration between different stakeholders such as architects, engineers, and facility managers. This presents an opportunity to work with a diverse group of people and learn from their unique perspectives.


1. What is indoor mapping? Indoor mapping refers to the process of creating detailed digital representations of indoor spaces, such as buildings, venues, or facilities. It involves capturing and rendering various aspects of the environment, including floor plans, room layouts, furniture arrangements, and other structural elements. Indoor mapping allows for enhanced visualization and navigation within complex indoor environments.

Example: Imagine being able to explore a shopping mall virtually before visiting. With indoor mapping, you can view the mall’s layout, locate specific stores, and plan your visit efficiently.

2. How is indoor mapping different from outdoor mapping? Indoor mapping differs from outdoor mapping as it focuses on capturing and representing the intricacies of interior spaces, while outdoor mapping deals with mapping open-air environments like streets, parks, and landmarks. Indoor mapping requires specialized technology to navigate and capture data within enclosed structures.

Example: Outdoor mapping tools like Google Maps may provide street-level views and directions, but when it comes to navigating inside a shopping center, indoor mapping solutions offer detailed floor plans and store information for a more precise and immersive experience.

3. What technologies are used for indoor mapping? Indoor mapping employs a combination of technologies, including laser scanning, 3D imaging, GPS, Wi-Fi positioning systems, and computer vision algorithms. These technologies work together to capture and analyze data, resulting in detailed digital representations of indoor spaces.

Example: Laser scanning technology captures precise measurements of a room’s dimensions, while 3D imaging techniques generate realistic visual representations of the space, allowing for a comprehensive indoor mapping experience.

4. What are the applications of indoor mapping? Indoor mapping finds applications in various industries, such as real estate, retail, hospitality, healthcare, and facility management. It enables virtual property tours, assists in space planning and design, facilitates indoor navigation, improves emergency response planning, and supports facility management tasks.

Example: A hospital can utilize indoor mapping to improve patient navigation by providing digital wayfinding tools, helping visitors and patients easily locate departments, clinics, and amenities within the complex hospital environment.

5. How does indoor mapping enhance user experiences? Indoor mapping enhances user experiences by providing detailed visual representations and navigation tools for complex indoor spaces. It allows users to explore, plan, and navigate with greater efficiency, saving time and reducing frustration in unfamiliar environments.

Example: A large convention center can implement indoor mapping to help attendees find their way to specific booths or conference rooms, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all participants.

6. What are the benefits of indoor mapping for businesses? For businesses, indoor mapping can improve customer engagement, increase operational efficiency, and optimize space utilization. It enables businesses to offer enhanced services, personalized experiences, and targeted marketing campaigns within their indoor premises.

Example: A shopping mall can leverage indoor mapping to offer a mobile app that provides personalized promotions based on a shopper’s location, enhancing the shopping experience and increasing customer satisfaction.

Indoor mapping revolutionizes how we navigate, visualize, and interact with complex indoor environments.


I arrived at the convention center, I was immediately struck by the sheer size of the place. The Tulsa Convention Center is a sprawling facility, boasting over 200,000 square feet of exhibition space. With so many booths and sessions happening simultaneously, I knew I had to be strategic about my time there.

Before heading into the main exhibition hall, I pulled up the conference app on my phone, which featured an indoor mapping system. This was my first experience using indoor mapping, and I was eager to see how it would help me navigate the maze of booths and breakout sessions. The app, powered by a company called Mapwize, provided real-time navigation, showing my location and the fastest routes to various points of interest within the convention center.

As I entered the bustling hall, I was overwhelmed by the sights and sounds. Vendors were showcasing everything from the latest dental chairs to cutting-edge imaging technology. I had a specific list of booths I wanted to visit, including a demo for a new 3D printing system from a company called Formlabs. I tapped the booth number into the indoor mapping app, and it quickly plotted a course for me. I followed the digital path, weaving through crowds of fellow dentists and dental hygienists, and I felt a surge of confidence knowing I wouldn’t get lost.

While I was on my way to the Formlabs booth, I encountered an outrageous event that made my day. A group of dental students had set up an impromptu game called “Tooth Toss,” where participants threw plush teeth into a giant mouth-shaped target. I couldn’t resist the temptation to join in, so I stepped up and took my shot. To my surprise, I landed a throw right in the mouth! The crowd erupted in cheers, and I walked away with a goofy plush tooth as a prize. It was a lighthearted moment that reminded me of the fun side of dentistry.

After the excitement of the games, I finally made it to the Formlabs booth, where I was greeted by a friendly representative named Jenna. She explained how their 3D printer, the Form 3, could revolutionize dental practices by allowing for rapid prototyping of dental models. The printer was sleek and compact, about the size of a small microwave, and I was fascinated to see it in action. Jenna handed me a sample model—a perfectly printed dental crown that felt surprisingly lightweight yet sturdy.