Photography, Pets Using Credit Cards Is Funny

I found some humorous pictures of dogs and cats using credit cards.

These dogs want to buy something with your card.


Webburgr was a website that had photos, art and other silly things.

Pictures of cats with creditcards. Mine would never pose like this.


My cat would chew plastic items.

My dog, a mischievous golden retriever named Buddy, decided that my credit card was his new chew toy. It was a typical Saturday morning, and I had just finished my second cup of coffee, the rich aroma still lingering in the kitchen. My to-do list was sprawled across the counter, and at the very top was “Pay Bills.” I reached for my wallet, a compact leather bifold that had seen better days, and flipped it open to retrieve my credit card.

To my horror, the slot where my card usually nestled was glaringly empty. A sinking feeling washed over me as I frantically searched through the other compartments, hoping I had just misplaced it. That’s when I heard it—the unmistakable sound of plastic being gnawed on coming from the living room.

I rushed in to find Buddy, tail wagging, with the remains of my credit card between his paws. The card was barely recognizable, punctured with tiny holes and teeth marks, the edges frayed and curled. The standard-sized piece of plastic, which should have measured 3.370 inches in width and 2.125 inches in height, was now a mangled mess of jagged pieces. The shiny chip that once allowed for seamless transactions was now a chewed-up piece of metal, and my card number was no longer discernible amidst the scratch marks.

I couldn’t help but let out a frustrated sigh. Buddy looked up at me with those big, innocent eyes, completely oblivious to the inconvenience he had caused. As much as I wanted to be mad at him, I knew it was partly my fault for leaving my wallet within his reach. He had a history of being a little too fond of things that weren’t his toys, and I had been the one to underestimate his reach and the allure of a credit card’s texture.

I picked up the pieces of the card, a reminder of the perils of dog ownership, and dialed the number for customer service to report the incident and request a replacement. The representative on the other end of the line seemed to stifle a chuckle when I explained why I needed a new card, assuring me that this wasn’t the first time they had heard of a pet destroying someone’s card.

While I waited for my replacement card to arrive, I kept a much closer eye on Buddy and anything else he might consider edible. I also invested in a new, higher shelf for my wallet and other important items, well out of his reach. The incident became a funny story to share with friends and family, and despite the initial frustration, it was a heartwarming reminder of Buddy’s playful spirit.

Funny pics on the Internet. This one makes me laugh.

This pic looks like my laptop.

Once upon a time in the quaint little town of Barksville, there lived a tech-savvy Golden Retriever named Buddy. Buddy was no ordinary dog; he was gifted with a unique ability to understand and navigate human technology. His human, Sarah, had no idea about Buddy’s secret talent.

One day, when Sarah was away at work, Buddy discovered her credit card lying on the coffee table. Intrigued, he used his snout to tap on her laptop and started browsing the internet.

Buddy had seen Sarah shop online many times, and he decided it was time for him to indulge in some retail therapy too. He typed “” with his nose and pressed enter. To his delight, he found a whole world of doggy goodies waiting to be explored.

As he scrolled through the website, he stumbled upon a shiny, diamond-encrusted dog collar. He knew he had to have it. So, with a wag of his tail and a few more taps of his snout, Buddy added the collar to his shopping cart and proceeded to checkout. He carefully entered Sarah’s credit card information and hit “purchase.”

Over the next few days, Buddy eagerly awaited the arrival of his new collar. He couldn’t contain his excitement when he heard the delivery truck pull up outside. He barked loudly, leaped onto the couch, and watched as the mail carrier approached the door with a package.

Sarah, confused by the unexpected delivery, opened the package to find the dazzling dog collar. “Buddy, did you order this?” she asked with a mix of amusement and disbelief. She put the collar on him, and he strutted around the living room, tail wagging, feeling like a million bones.

Encouraged by his success, Buddy began an online shopping spree. He ordered chew toys, gourmet dog food, custom dog beds, and even a doggy treadmill. The delivery truck became a regular visitor to their home, and Sarah grew increasingly suspicious of her dog’s newfound hobby.

One day, Sarah came home early from work and caught Buddy in the act. He was sprawled across the couch, nose-deep in an online sale for designer doggy outfits. “Buddy!” she exclaimed. “You’ve been shopping online this whole time?”

Feeling guilty, Buddy lowered his head and let out a soft whimper. Sarah couldn’t stay mad at him, though. She laughed and said, “Well, I guess it’s time to teach you about responsible spending, Buddy.”

From that day on, Buddy and Sarah worked together to create a monthly budget for their online shopping adventures. They would sit side by side, browsing the internet for the best deals on doggy gear, creating a special bond between them.

And that’s the story of Buddy, the tech-savvy Golden Retriever who discovered the joys of online shopping and learned the importance of responsible spending – all while becoming the best-dressed dog in Barksville.

Cat shopping online.


This one has some cash.

cute dogs and cats

I give my pup plenty of chew toys so he does not get into other things.

Sign that says I chewed cards. Mine is guilty.

My cat is a curious creature who loves to explore her surroundings. However, her curiosity often leads her to chew on things she shouldn’t. From cords to shoes to even furniture, it seems like nothing is off-limits to her sharp teeth.

At first, I thought this behavior was just a phase that she would eventually grow out of. But as time went on, it became clear that this was a habit that she wasn’t going to break on her own. Not only was it frustrating to deal with the damage she caused, but it also posed a danger to her health if she were to ingest something harmful. Yikes.

I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and go for a bike ride at Lake Grapevine Park. With my trusty Trek mountain bike, which I had outfitted with a comfortable gel seat and a bright yellow water bottle holder, I set off on the scenic trails that wind around the lake. The sun was shining, and the gentle breeze felt refreshing as I pedaled my way along the path.

As I cruised past the shimmering waters of the lake, I noticed a small gathering of people near a picnic area. Curiosity piqued, I slowed down to see what was happening. To my delight, I discovered that a golden retriever named Max was putting on an impromptu show. His owner, a cheerful woman in a bright red T-shirt that read “Dog Mom,” was encouraging him to perform tricks, and the crowd was loving it.

Max was a big, fluffy dog with a shiny coat that glimmered in the sunlight. He had a goofy, playful demeanor, and it was clear he thrived on the attention. The first trick he performed was a classic: he jumped through a hula hoop that his owner held up. The crowd erupted in applause, and I couldn’t help but join in, clapping and laughing at his enthusiasm. But what happened next was absolutely outrageous.

The woman then pulled out a frisbee, and I thought, “Okay, this is going to be good.” Max took off like a rocket, bounding across the grass with such speed that he looked like a furry blur. He caught the frisbee mid-air, but instead of just returning it, he decided to add a twist. He turned around and ran straight toward the crowd, doing a celebratory spin before dropping the frisbee at the feet of a little girl who was sitting nearby. She squealed with delight, and I couldn’t help but chuckle at how proud Max looked, wagging his tail as if he had just won an award.

But the pièce de résistance came when the owner asked Max to “dance.” I was skeptical at first, thinking it would be a simple two-step or a spin. Instead, Max stood on his hind legs and started to wiggle his body side to side, almost like he was doing the cha-cha! The crowd erupted in laughter and cheers, and I found myself laughing so hard that I nearly fell off my bike. A nearby couple, who were also enjoying the show, turned to me and said, “This is the best thing we’ve seen all day!”


3 thoughts on “Photography, Pets Using Credit Cards Is Funny”

  1. Kinl

    What kind of dog is that. The one that is black and white. It looks like brdercollie.

  2. well

    Why did the dog bring a credit card on vacation?

    Because he heard it was the best way to “paw-sitively” enjoy all the treats!

    Why did the dog get a credit card before going on vacation?

    Because he wanted to earn “bark-eting” rewards for all the treats!

    What did the dog say when he couldn’t find his credit card before vacation?

    “Oh no, I can’t ‘paws’ my plans now!”

    Why did the dog insist on booking a pet-friendly hotel with his credit card?

    Because he wanted to make sure he had a “ruff” good time without any “barking” fees!

    How did the dog pay for his vacation?

    With a “paw-some” credit card that earned him miles for every fetch!

    Why did the dog take a vacation class on budgeting?

    He wanted to learn how to avoid “ruff” credit and enjoy his trips without the stress!

  3. BB

    my dog interferes when i order online, it tries to get my attention. LOLOLO.
    I prefer dogs to cats. If you want to laugh, look at youtube and search for funny cats.

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