Colombia Contact – Travel guide and hotel directory

Visit Columbia and have fun.

Book a hotel in one of these destinations:

· Bogota – the capital of the country.

· Cartagena

· Medellin
· Cali – the capital of salsa.
· Santa Marta
· Manizales
· Bucaramanga
· Barranquilla
· Cucuta

· Armenia
· Pereira
· Neiva
· Pasto
· Villa de Leyva
· San Andres

Puerto Nariño




I had the opportunity to visit Columbia, a country that has been on my travel bucket list for years. As soon as I landed in Bogota, the capital city, I was struck by the vibrant energy and colorful architecture. Throughout my trip, I was constantly amazed by the country’s stunning landscapes, rich culture, and warm hospitality.

Upon arriving in Bogota, I was immediately struck by the city’s unique blend of old and new. The historic architecture of the colonial-era buildings and churches was juxtaposed with the modern skyscrapers and bustling streets filled with people from all walks of life. Despite its size and density, Bogota has a friendly, welcoming atmosphere that made me feel right at home.

Exploring the city, I was able to take in the sights and sounds of its many neighborhoods, from the trendy cafes and shops of La Candelaria to the colorful street art of the Graffiti District. I also had the opportunity to sample some of the city’s famous cuisine, from hearty stews and soups to fresh seafood and tropical fruits.

One of the highlights of my trip was exploring the historic district of Cartagena, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city’s colorful colonial buildings, narrow streets, and lively plazas were a feast for the eyes. I also had the chance to try some delicious local cuisine, including arepas, empanadas, and fresh seafood. The friendly locals were always eager to share their stories and recommendations for things to see and do in the area. Way cool.


Must-see tourist spots in Colombia

  1. Bogotá’s Graffiti Tour – Discover the colorful side of Colombia’s capital! Stroll through the streets of Bogotá admiring the urban artwork, which can be as vibrant as a salsa dancer’s wardrobe.
  2. The Gold Museum – Who needs Indiana Jones when you can witness a treasure trove of shiny things at Bogotá’s Gold Museum? Just remember, no pocketing allowed! I love gold. I think it will hit 5k usd soon.
  3. Medellín’s Metrocable – Enjoy a cable car ride over Medellín, the city that proves even former drug capitals can reinvent themselves. Marvel at the sweeping views as you glide above the city, but don’t forget to hold on tight!
  4. The Cocora Valley – Home to the world’s tallest palm trees, these wax palms can reach heights of 60 meters. Just imagine the number of coconuts that could fall on your head… But fear not, they don’t actually grow coconuts, Oh!
  5. Cartagena’s Walled City – Walk along the fortified walls of this colonial city, and feel like you’ve stepped onto the set of Pirates of the Caribbean. Just don’t expect to see Captain Jack Sparrow lounging around.
  6. The Lost City (Ciudad Perdida) – Channel your inner Lara Croft or Nathan Drake, and embark on a challenging trek to Colombia’s very own “lost city.” Pro tip: don’t forget your mosquito repellent and a good pair of hiking boots!
  7. Tatacoa Desert – Explore this otherworldly landscape, perfect for stargazing or pretending you’re on Mars. Just remember, it’s BYOW (bring your own water)!
  8. San Andres and Providencia – Sun, sand, and sea are the holy trinity of these Caribbean islands. Don’t miss the chance to snorkel in the crystal-clear water or practice your best reggae moves on the beach. I like to hear loud music.
  9. Guatapé’s El Peñol – Conquer the 740 steps of this giant rock for an Instagram-worthy panorama. You’ll feel like Rocky Balboa once you’ve reached the top. Cue the triumphant music!
  10. Coffee Triangle – Last but not least, indulge in the finest Colombian coffee right from the source. Trust us, after all these adventures, you’ll need the caffeine boost!



Tourism: Try these attractions and activities.

  • Monserrate
  • Celestino Mutis Botanic Garden
  • La Candelaria
  • Maloka
  • Catedral de Sal en Zipaquirá
  • Horse riding
  • Diving
  • Rafting
  • Archeology
  • Eje Cafetero Colombia
  • San Andrés Island
  • Restaurants




1. Is it safe to travel to Colombia?

Much like a pet iguana, Colombia can be perfectly safe if you respect it and use common sense. The country has come a long way in terms of safety in the last few decades, but like any travel destination, it’s best to stay aware of your surroundings and avoid risky areas.

2. What’s the best time to visit Colombia?

Colombia is like a good friend—it’s great to visit any time of the year. However, keep in mind that the dry season from December to March might have the most pleasant weather.

3. What are the must-see attractions in Colombia?

Colombia is like a fun-filled piñata—there’s a lot to see! Don’t miss out on Cartagena’s old town, the coffee region, Medellin’s innovative urban spaces, and the vibrant capital, Bogota.

4. Do I need a visa to travel to Colombia?

It depends on where you’re from. It’s like being invited to a fancy party—sometimes, you need an invite (or visa), and sometimes, you don’t. Citizens from several countries, including the US, do not need a tourist visa for stays of 90 days or less.

5. What’s the food like in Colombia?

Oh, let’s talk about the glorious food! Colombian cuisine is as diverse as a tropical rainforest. Be sure to try bandeja paisa (a hearty platter of beans, rice, and meat), arepas (corn cakes), and fresh tropical fruits. It’s a culinary adventure!

6. Is Colombia expensive to travel in?

Colombia is a bit like a thrift store—there are great deals to be found if you know where to look! On the whole, it tends to be more affordable than many other South American countries.

7. What currency do they use in Colombia?

In Colombia, they use the Colombian peso. It’s like the Monopoly money of the country, but it’s real and it gets you food, souvenirs, and experiences!

8. Do many people speak English in Colombia?

Think of English in Colombia like a rare bird sighting – it exists, but it’s not as common. While you’ll find English speakers in touristy areas and among younger people, a lot of Colombians only speak Spanish. So brush up on your “Hola” and “Gracias”!

9. What is the healthcare like in Colombia?

Colombia’s healthcare is like a secret recipe – it’s surprisingly good! The country is known for its high-quality healthcare, particularly in major cities. However, always make sure you have travel insurance, as the guacamole doesn’t always come free with the chips!

10. Is the water safe to drink in Colombia?

In major cities and tourist destinations, it’s generally safe to drink tap water – but when in doubt, bottled water is your trusty sidekick. It’s like wearing sunscreen on a beach day; it’s better to be safe than sorry!

11. How should I dress in Colombia?

Colombia is pretty diverse, so it’s like choosing an outfit for a day with various weather forecasts. In the coastal regions, it’s warm so light clothing is suitable. In the Andean regions, it can get chilly, so bring a sweater or light jacket. And remember, Colombians generally take pride in their appearance, so dressing neatly is appreciated.

12. What about altitude sickness in Colombia?

In higher altitude areas like Bogota, some people might experience altitude sickness – it’s like partying too hard, but without the actual party. Make sure to rest, stay hydrated, and take it easy for your first few days at high altitudes.

13. Are credit cards widely accepted in Colombia?

Credit cards are accepted in many places, especially in larger cities. But, much like carrying a snack for emergencies, it’s always a good idea to have some cash on hand for smaller businesses or rural areas.

14. Any unique cultural etiquettes I should be aware of in Colombia?

Colombians, like most Latin cultures, tend to stand closer during conversations and use more physical contact. They’re also famously hospitable and polite. So don’t be taken aback if they offer you the biggest piece of cake at the table!

I decided to take a break from the hustle and bustle of my life in Florida and venture to a small town in Colombia called Salento. Known for its stunning coffee plantations and vibrant culture, Salento promised an adventure that was worlds apart from the sandy beaches and theme parks I was used to.

As my plane touched down in Pereira, I felt a wave of excitement wash over me. The lush green mountains surrounding the airport were a stark contrast to the flat landscapes of Florida. After a short taxi ride, I arrived in Salento, where the air was fresh and filled with the earthy scent of coffee. The colorful buildings lining the streets, adorned with bright flowers, immediately captivated me.

I checked into a charming little hostel called “La Serrana,” which was nestled in the hills just outside of town. The place had a rustic charm, with wooden beams and a cozy common area filled with hammocks. My room, a quaint space with a view of the mountains, was just what I needed to unwind. I couldn’t wait to explore!

On my first day, I signed up for a coffee tour at a local plantation called “El Ocaso.” The tour guide, a passionate local named Juan, introduced us to the fascinating world of coffee production. He explained that the beans were hand-picked, and I was amazed to learn that it takes about 2,000 coffee cherries to produce just one kilogram of coffee! As we walked through the plantation, I couldn’t resist picking a few ripe cherries and tasting them fresh off the tree. The sweetness was unlike anything I had ever experienced.

The highlight of the tour came when we participated in a coffee tasting session. We sampled several varieties, including a rich dark roast that had a bold flavor profile. As I sipped from my small cup, I felt the warmth of the coffee spread through me, and I couldn’t help but exclaim, “This is the best coffee I’ve ever had!” Juan smiled, saying, “That’s because it’s fresh and made with love.”

Later that week, I decided to hike the famous Cocora Valley, known for its towering wax palms that can reach heights of up to 60 meters. The hike was both exhilarating and challenging. I remember setting out early in the morning, my backpack filled with snacks and a bottle of water. The trail was muddy and steep, but the breathtaking views made every step worth it. At one point, I slipped and fell into a puddle, and my friends erupted in laughter. “Welcome to Colombia!” one of them shouted, helping me up. We all had a good chuckle, and I embraced the moment, muddy clothes and all.

As I reached the valley, I was awestruck by the sight of the palm trees swaying in the breeze against the backdrop of the Andes. I took a moment to soak it all in, snapping photos and feeling grateful for this incredible experience. It was a reminder of the beauty of nature and the joy of stepping outside of my comfort zone.

One evening, I decided to immerse myself in the local culture by attending a traditional Colombian cooking class. The class was held at a charming restaurant called “El Rincón de Lucy,” where I learned to make arepas and bandeja paisa. Lucy, the owner, was a delightful host who shared stories of her family’s recipes. As we cooked, she encouraged us to taste everything, saying, “Cooking is about love and sharing.” I remember laughing with the other participants as we tried to flip our arepas just right, some of us failing spectacularly but enjoying every moment.

By the end of the class, I had not only learned how to prepare delicious Colombian dishes but had also made new friends from around the world. We all sat down to enjoy our creations, and I felt a sense of camaraderie that was truly special. “This is the best meal I’ve ever had, and I made it myself!” I exclaimed, raising my glass of fresh guanabana juice in a toast.

7 thoughts on “Colombia Contact – Travel guide and hotel directory”

  1. Seeman

    How cold is the water? When is best time to go?
    I have been to nearby locations, but never there.

  2. TTD

    I always wanted to visit Bogota. My only images come from movies. The pics look good. Do I have to worry about crime?

  3. Justin A

    I have been to Armenia and highly recommend it. The people are friendly and like to speak with Americans. I found a room for under 60 per night. It was ok by western standards, nothing fancy.

  4. N Berry

    I have been there a few times for work. I always head to the beach, sit and chill. They have good wifi, beer, and wine, what more could you ask for. The airport is sparce, and lines are long during peak times, I would say get there a few hours early.

  5. Larry Y

    The gold museum sounds cool. Do you have any pics or videos of that?
    Has anyone gone horseback riding in the area?
    I like to try local joint type eating places. Can you name some, please?

  6. Letterca

    I want to know about health related stuff, like can you drink the water, and do I need any shots before going here.

  7. DeDe

    I can afford 200 per day at most. Is this affordable. My budget is: 100/d for hotel, 50 for food, and 50 for fun. I like all the outdoor things like hiking, and swimming.

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